In the traditional culture of the Serbs, the term headgear means a certain way of combing, covering and decorating the head. From the head, it could be concluded whether it was a girl (girl), a girl (girl), a bridegroom, a bride, a married woman, and finally, a woman of mature age. Until they were old enough to marry, young girls combed their hair into a single braid that ran down their backs, usually along with a braid of wool, beads, and coins. A shallow red cap, fez, scarf or towel was placed over the braided hair. When a girl is ready for marriage, when she leaks, she often adds a decorative feather, cowrie shells, wool tassels and other decorative details to the hat. As a young married woman, she ties a larger white headscarf over her hat, and as a woman in her more mature years, she usually leaves only a bosch of modest embroidered decoration as a headpiece or without it.
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